If you're a guy, this may not be the read for you. You've been warned.
Remember the 1980s Kings Island ride that was so popular, The Beastie? And there was The Beast, the "scarier" version, as if Beastie was somehow attractive to small children. Anyway, maybe you don't. Maybe I'm just old and need new fodder for analogies. The point is, it's a roller coaster and baby, I'm riding it!
Let us jump straight into the nitty gritty. I have an IUD. I have had it for five years. And it is time for it to come out.
What's the big deal, right? I never thought twice about making my appointment, reluctantly returning to the Pill as a form of birth control, despite it's two, uh, gifts five and six years ago. Anywho, no big deal. And I'm still okay with that. What I am not okay with is how my body is reacting to the monstro-gigantic shift of hormones in my body. Woo hoo! It's a real rodeo inside my head!
And yes, I've done it all: I've road raged. I've made crass and shocking comments within hearing range of people who just *annoy* me (yes, I've said my piece on Jesus, or the lack thereof. But just loud enough...I'm not trying to get burritoed by white jackets!) , I've put my dear loving husband through absolute and utter hell, and even through that, he still loves me and accepts it when I am nearing pea-soup explosions and I burst into tears and admit that I am not ME, no matter what I try to do. By some miracle he understands and has known what was wrong the whole time. He just has had the grace to not mention it. I guess he's learned a thing or two in life.
Yeah, wow. It's been a real ride. And we still have a week left until I actually get a prescription for the Pill, so hang on tight! It's like jumping in The Racer and choosing the backwards-facing coaster.
Do they make Midol strong enough?
My weigh in on Biggest Loser
9 years ago