It seems cruel and unusual that, after going to bed at 4am, I am awake again, and have been since the wee hour of 6:30am. Since I'm running out of things to look at on the internet (and my MySpace page has completely been overhauled), I figured, hey...I'll just write some random stuff. Aaron and I are switching babysitting shifts at 10:30am. It's a married-thing. We stayed up way too late drinking wine and talking, so there you have it. He's got my back. He's a good man.
Somehow, I need to get a good run in today. The radar seems to be cooperating, though I have to admit that my run in the rain yesterday was really incredible. I've started doing sprints: power walking for ten seconds, sprinting for ten, then back to the walking. It's abrupt, and that's what I like about it. As long as I can run outside I'll be happy. A treadmill is on the list of things to buy before it gets too cold to run outside, but I really enjoy, and prefer, the trail running. I especially enjoy coming home and making a protein shake. The first few days of running gave me some incredible charlie horses. Aaron to the rescue with a two pound container of whey protein. We're talking stupid amounts of potassium and protein. Yes. I mean, it's not like I'm getting it from meat. Besides. I'm addicted to Pomegranate juice. 100%. It's an expensive fix, but if you go to the grocery in the poorer areas, you can typically find it marked half off. I mean, really, who in their right mind on an normal budget pays ten dollars for a 64 ounce bottle of juice? Or sixteen if you opt for the concentrated version (cherry, too). So, buy bunches of it when it's cheap. Stock up. I'm learning a lot.
My new neighbor across the street got pulled over in front of their house last night. Haha! That's worth mentioning only because we live in the very far back of our neighborhood. The police don't typically come back here, especially for traffic control, since they are mostly perched near the entrance of our 'hood to catch all the speeders on the main road. It's Fishers, Jr. here in McCordsville. We've gotta get revenue somehow to grow this little town up into a bonafide suburb! Anyway, it's also worth a mention because I think it's FUNNY!
Do you have any idea how much I love vinegar? I think Aaron is starting to get concerned. But really. It. Cleans. Everything. Spotless. Shiny. Pair it up with a microfiber towel on glass. Newspapers, schmoozepapers. Vinegar and microfiber is where it's at. And it's cheap. And safe. I can spray it all over my kitchen and who cares if it gets on my veggies. I'm probably going to clean my veggies with vinegar anyway (if they're store bought). It cleans toilets. It cleans floors. Windows. Dishes (so long Jet Dry). Gets the stinky out of little boy laundry. It rocks. Really.
I wish it would rain. The radar is showing it all to be much further north of us. I really was hoping for a gray, drizzly day. Does it mean that I'm weird if I say those are my favorite kinds of days.
Rumor of the day...I keep hearing that I should run out and buy gas RIGHT NOW because gas will be over $5 a gallon this weekend. I have no idea if there is any truth to it, I sure as hell hope not, but I keep reading and hearing it. I think I shall abruptly end my blogging and go check it out.
Enjoy your Saturday (or whatever day it is when you are reading!) ... Go Buckeyes, Go Colts!
My weigh in on Biggest Loser
9 years ago
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